Wellness @ The Clinic now offers hypnotherapy which facilitates change in the form of new responses, thoughts and attitudes, behaviour or feelings. It is also an opportunity to heal deep wounds from the past and a chance for you to reframe negative thought processes. In place of the negative thought processes, it is a way for your unconscious mind to receive positive suggestions. This enables you to envision a desired future outcome.
Performed by Qualified Therapist
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What is it?
We all experience hypnosis several times a day. This can be by way of daydreaming or travelling to work and not remembering the journey. Hypnosis is not like sleeping and you are fully aware of what is going on around you. You are always in control. Hypnosis is therefore completely safe and no one can be hypnotised against their will and no one can be forced to do things under hypnosis that they do not want to do. Hypnosis in the clinical sense is an altered state of consciousness. It has two components of suggestion and absorption (or trance). The primary focus in hypnosis is for the person to relax. Once relaxed, it opens a pathway to the unconscious mind. Once opened, the unconscious mind is able to respond to suggestions that are going to help the person. Hypnotherapy and hypnosis are therefore like a dance between the conscious and unconscious mind working together to achieve a desired rhythm between the two.

Difficulties or issues it can help with:
- Anxiety Disorders
- Fears & Phobias
- Depression
- Self-esteem & Confidence
- Smoking
- Weight
Some Common Questions
Will everything be confidential?
Confidentiality is the cornerstone of my practice and of vital importance to me not only as a therapist but also as a person. I also adhere to the codes of ethics of the CNHC and the NSTT. Everything is confidential from the initial contact and will remain so even after the therapeutic relationship comes to an end.
Are you in control?
You are always in control during hypnosis. A hypnotherapist cannot make you to do anything you do not want to do. You are fully in control of your mind and body at all times. A hypnotherapist is guided by you. The important thing to remember is that you can only make positive changes when you are ready. This is why therapy is a delicate process and should not be rushed.
How many sessions will I need?
This question is impossible to answer before we meet and have a chance to explore your needs further. Just as we are all different, every issue is also different and in particular how we respond to such issues. Some issues may require just a few sessions to achieve the desired outcome you seek. Others, due to their severity, may require a longer-term process. Our aim is to work in partnership with you in providing a bespoke service for you to reach the place you want to be, at the pace that is comfortable to you.
Is hypnosis the same as sleep?
You may look like you’re sleeping, but you’re awake during hypnosis. Hypnosis does not involve falling sleep. Instead, your focus is fixed in a way that may make you seem zoned out or in a trance.